A middle school mathematics teacher looking for a career change. Pursuing a Masters in Applied Mathematics with a specialization in Statistics and Data Analytics by developing competencies in modeling, statistics and computations needed to solve real world problems enabled by productive experiences on collaborative projects. Seeking a job in statistics and data analytics.
Probability and Statistics
Differential Equations
Linear Algebra
Data Cleaning and Data Manipulation
Data Analysis
Data Visualization
Model Deployment
Machine Learning
Programming Languages:
R Studio​
Mathematica ​
PHARMACOKINETICS | October 2020 - December 2020
Created an exponential regression model of a single intravenous drug dose in a two compartment open model.
Identified invariance in data, and used data transformation procedures.
Estimated coefficients of an exponential regression model by using a data frame. Exponential peeling procedures were used to estimate the coefficients of each compartment that the drug dose decayed over time.
INSURANCE RISK | June 2021 - August 2021
Used a Pareto Distribution to compute analytical statistics for an insurance company.
Compared analytical and experimental statistics through simulation.
Determined the likelihood of an insurance company going bankrupt under a set of certain parameters.
BITCOIN MODEL | June 2021 - August 2021
Analyzed the Bitcoin, BTC, stock indices through time series analysis.
Modeled Bitcoin on a stochastic volatility correlated jump model. Determined the impacts jumps have on option prices through simulations, and analyzed implied volatility.
BIOMASS PRODUCTION | November 2021 - December 2021
Fitted an ordinary least squares regression to a data frame to identify significant predictor variables.
Transformed data, due to invariance, and identified collinearity between predictor variables using standard procedures.
Performed a Principle Component Regression, due to the fact that collinearity was prevalent among the predictor variables.
Completed a Best Subset Regression based on the Principle Component Regression to identify the significant predictors.
Cleaned data frame using median imputation.
Used Bayesian Statistical Analysis to identify significant predictor variables.
Performed an Ordinary Linear Regression to identify predictor variables.
Completed a Posterior Analysis using a Posterior Distribution simulate the coefficient values.
Obtained a Posterior Predictive Distribution to make predictions and determine the accuracy of predictions.
Solved the Gompertz Equation and the Logistic Equation to analyze the affects of tumor growth and vasculature growth.
Solved pharmacodynamic equations with continuous dosing and periodic dosing of a chemotherapeutic drug and an anti-angiogenic drug on the tumor and the vasculature.
Solved coupled pharmacodynamic models to analyze the affect of the vasculature on the tumor.
Analyzed a one-compartment pharmacokinetic model, the Hahnfeldt Model.
Solved the Hahnfeldt Model utilizing Mathematica
2020 - 2022
Illinois Institute of Technology
Masters of Applied Sciences | Applied Mathematics
Chicago, IL
Courses - Mathematical Modeling, Probability, Introduction to Mathematical Finance, Mathematical Statistics, Project Management, Case Studies and Project Design, Advanced Design of Experiments, Applied Statistics, Bayesian Computational Statistics, Masters Project
2013 - 2017
Dominican University
Bachelor of Arts | Mathematics
River Forest, IL
Certified Mathematics Teacher 6th- 12th Grade